How to Easily Calculate Severance Pay in Canada 2024

For Canadian employers severance obligations are not just a legal necessity but a critical component of responsible business…
Canadian Employment Standards Legislation Canadian Employment Standards Legislation

Offboarding An Employee: 11 Steps To Compliance

It’s an unfortunate reality of managing a business: eventually, you’ll probably be offboarding an employee. You might have…

Understanding Termination Pay and Severance Pay: The Easy Employer’s Guide 2024

Terminating an employee is never ideal. Awkward conversations, new job postings and complex employment legislation abound.  It’s a…
Tiers visualizing different categories of employment benefits Tiers visualizing different categories of employment benefits

Understanding Employee Benefits: 3 Critical Categories

Attract, retain, reward – that’s the name of the game regarding employee benefits. In theory, it’s simple: just…

Tackling T4 Webinar Recap

Our recent webinar, led by Warren Juteau-Peall and Christine McIntyre at PayEvo, provided an in-depth guide to ensure…